Thursday, April 24, 2008

In The Corresponding Managements Four Various Ways Are

In the corresponding Managements four various ways are described to a measure. (Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking) Back part of a thorax (illustration sm) it is spent usually from top chest Cages (illustration sm), passing areas of an arrangement of shovels. Perkutornye sounds compare in symmetric areas and to the general The standard (stupid, box, normal). A forward wall of a thorax as it is spent on certain points and lines (illustration sm) and from top to down. At compare symmetry of sounding and define sonority scale. Approximate general interpretation Character a sound Value a sound Stupid (= femoral) Lobarnaja pneumonia or a pleurisy The normal Healthy lungs, bronchial tubes and pleura Box (=) Emphysema or Research of mobility of a diaphragm Estimation of a condition of mobility It is spent and . In the beginning in position of the patient Standing borders of changes a sound are defined on thorax lines at quiet breath of the patient. Further on axillary (or axillary) lines find Zone a sound at equal breath of the patient and Mark this point on the right and at the left.

The First Aspect - Includes Treatment Which Prevents

The first aspect - includes Treatment which prevents strengthening and deterioration of attacks during The long-term periods. The second aspect provides perfection The help at development of an asthmatic attack in the patient. For all age groups, EPR-3 Recommends to prefer inhaled as most Effective remedy of treatment for long terms of the effective The control. New means for treatment of the bronchial asthma, offered in EPR-3 Include lejkotrieny - antagonists of receptors (illustration sm) and (cromolyn) for the long control the period. Are recommended also long operating beta-aganisty (SABA) as therapy of addition to the scheme of treatment of the patients, inhaling and omalizumab for very serious cases of an asthma. For sharp episodes of an asthma are recommended (albuterol), (levalbuterol) And . Urgent medical aid should include Oxygen for reduction ; shortly operating beta-aganisty (SABA) for reduction of a barrier to air stream in bronchial tubes, it is frequent with inhalation ipratropium'a Bromide, at heavy attacks; system intravenously, To reduce inflammation signs in bronchial tubes at moderated i-or Serious attacks or for patients who do not answer quickly and Completely on preparations SABA; And additional therapy in certain cases, introduction type intravenously Magnesium of sulphate or helium inhalations (for patients, unreceptive to To aforementioned measures).

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On The Other Hand, Such Signs As Rattles

On the other hand, such signs as rattles And a low arrangement of a palatal uvula on a breath were superfluous for Diagnosis COPD and simply demanded an extra time of research, But did not give the additional diagnostic information. The offered edition as I hope, results Rather new data on diagnostics of bronho-pulmonary diseases and Syndromes also it will be useful for practical doctors and students. In advance I apologise for idle the reference Internet (the Internet the world so !), but at the order of last version of the edition I try to include Only WORKING references to sources, illustrations and clips on a theme. SECTION 1 Ways of revealing of syndromes of diseases of bronho-pulmonary system The short review of anatomy and functions of bronho-pulmonary system The adult person for days ventilates through system about 15-20 thousand litres of air (20 breaths in Minute 0,5 l of air 60 minutes 24 hours). In 1 litre of the city Air it is weighed not less than 5000 particles in weight about 5 mg.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Reasons And Diseases Of The Strengthened Growth,

The reasons and diseases of the strengthened growth, loss and change It is a lot of hair colour. For example, rare hair on top and high temples On a forehead man's hormones can be connected many, and not only At men, but also at women. However for the last more frequent reason - Chronic lack of iron which appears in critical days. If hair drop out on all head, it is necessary to pay special attention on Character of a food. Hair for 90 percent consist of fiber and eat They fiber. Therefore except meat and cottage cheese for a food of hair are necessary Vitamins A, , , group In and microcells, including zinc, iron, Copper, selenium, phosphorus, , calcium, etc. Sometimes the strengthened loss Hair it is connected with diseases thyroid, glands, Illnesses of blood, gynecologic, infectious or venereal Diseases. How to define intensity of a hair fall? On the average on a head grows nearby 80-120 Thousand hair. Term of a life of each of them - from 3 till 7 years. Absolutely Normal it is considered if in day drops out from 50 to 150 hairs.