Monday, January 19, 2009

It Is Important To Include Additional Use Oxygen;

It is important to include additional use Oxygen; pharmacotherapy for reduction of obstruction of air lines and To carry out the control over panic conditions. * the expressed short wind demands such procedures As cooling of the person by the fan, and means and not Aggressive ways of ventilation of lungs. * a painful syndrome It is offered as treatment and at other complications. Adequate doses Preparations and intervals for are recommended only at the expressed The pains which are not stopped by other means. Thus it is necessary to remember, That for patients who preliminary used , Dosages should be a little above. Doses should be always increased Necessarily to an individual top limit which allows to assist and simplification of a pain to the patient to comprehensible level. More in detail sm - Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2008; 177:912-927 History of disease, life and hereditary factors History of disease of respiratory organs often Repeats history of a tobacco smoking of the patient or influence of the professional Factors.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not Menacing Conditions: 1) Pains; 2) Diseases Of

Not menacing conditions: 1) pains; 2) Diseases of cervical department of a backbone; 3) thorax damages: - Bruises; - crises; - inflammations; 4) infectious diseases: - Surrounding deprive; - epidemic ; 5) diseases Gastroenteric trakta: - ;-aerofagija; - a stomach ulcer; - Cholecystitis; etc. The list of the conditions accompanied by sudden occurrence of the CHEST PAIN: (sudden chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Anxiety attack; Panic attack; Esophagitis; Pneumothorax; Peptic ulcer; Chest symptoms; Pulmonary embolism; Dissecting aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Pancreatitis The conditions accompanied by repeating chest pains: (recurring chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Hiatus hernia; Lung disease; Chest infection; Lung cancer; Gallbladder disease; Arrhythmias; Anemia; Pernicious anaemia; Aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Aortic valve disorder; Da Costa's syndrome; Chondritis; Bornholm's disease; MORE IN DETAIL in Russian in the book "Additions to bases of diagnostics of syndromes of internal illnesses" the SAMIZDAT, 2008 I will result some examples on features of diagnostics of a syndrome of a chest pain The pleurisy - the Lung slides on the chest To wall at deep breath and both surfaces ( and ) have the thin layers named a pleura.