Friday, November 23, 2007

Auscultation. Vezikuljarnoe Breath Is Heard On All The

auscultation. Vezikuljarnoe breath is heard on all the chest To cage, in the bottom departments of a thorax it is transferred and heard more Soft than bronchial breath. The exhalation in these zones is slightly shorter and There is no pause between a breath and an exhalation. Intensity of sounds Breath above in departments of lungs in vertical position The patient in comparison with the top shares of lungs. Any casual sounds At healthy patients it is not listened. The term "Bronchial breath" - The term designating increase of a timbre of a sound phenomenon of breath. The occurrence reasons: 1) consolidation of a pulmonary fabric; 2) presence in Lung of smoothly wall cavity connected with bronchial tubes; 3) the opened , etc. breath Sounds listened on a course Traheo-bronchial tree are called as bronchial. These sounds are audible And over a lung fabric where they are imposed on sounds Breath. A unique place where the traheo-bronchial tree is close to To wall of a breast by an alveolar fabric, bronchial breath also is not surrounded It is listened brightly.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Additional Sounds Which Occur In Lungs And Air

Additional sounds which occur in lungs and Air lines, are mentioned as "casual" and are always wrong (but Are not always essential). (See Table) Adventitious (Extra) Lung Sounds Crackles These are high pitched, discontinuous sounds similar to the sound produced by rubbing your hair between your fingers. (Also known as Rales) Wheezes These are generally high pitched and "musical" in quality. Stridor is an inspiratory wheeze associated with upper airway obstruction (croup). Rhonchi These often have a "snoring" or "gurgling" quality. Any extra sound that is not a crackle or a wheeze is probably a rhonchi. Additional sounds at auscultation of lungs High tonality, often faltering in the end of a breath Rattles, dry The damp The other Rattles They in general will highly become giving and "Musical" in quality. A scratch - rattle inspiratory, connected with top Barrier of an air line (groats). Rhonchi They often have "snore" or "gurgling" Quality. Any additional sound, which - not crackling or Rattle - it is probable rhonchi.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thus Three Variants Of Changes Come To Light

Thus three variants of changes come to light Stream volume-: (1) time inside a chest barrier, (2) time (Variable) out of a chest barrier and (3) stable barrier of the top Parts of an air line. Repetition of the test and reception of the identical Results at each measurement it is important because attempts of patients To forge pathological reduction of a stream of air do not allow To repeat the previous kinds of curves . Examples of kinds inside Pulmonary obstruction include including the limited tumours bottom Parts of a trachea or the main bronchial tubes, and changes of the air The lines connected with , etc. (sm of illustration Media File). Time inside chest barriers To air stream come to light to signs of reduction of a stream of air in Current of the forced exhalations at preservation of a normal configuration Stream on a breath. This sign is observed in the form of a plateau curve - in Wide range of a curve of volume on an exhalation (a curve volume-stream). Reduction of speed of a stream of air in such cases follows because of Narrowings of an air line in a thorax and, partially because of infringements Stream of the air line, exceeding inside laminar pressure of a stream of an exhalation.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Therefore, PaCO2 Increase As From Reduction VA, And

Therefore, PaCO2 increase as from reduction VA, and at all kinds hypoventilation of lungs. As space And a surface of alveoluses and also can work not effectively ( The age, etc.) increase PaCO2 conducts illnesses of bronchial tubes to reduction Percentage of oxygen with the subsequent . Alveolar ventilation can decrease, when The physiological dead space of lungs increases (that is, VD/VT A parity). The physiological dead space increases, When ventilation of lungs increases and it leads to infringement Parities blood and volumes of a stream of alveolar air. Increase in physiological dead space at hyperventilation Does not correspond in classical representation about mechanisms of infringements Functions of breath at patients with an emphysema and COPD. Effect of occurrence of the physiological dead Spaces at alveolar hypoventilation can be expressed in Following equation: PaCO2 = (k) (VCO2)/VE (1 - VD/VT). In which VE There is an exhalation volume, and (1 - VD/VT) a ventilation part, directly Involved in a gas exchange.