Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reflex Cough The Basic Receptors Of Cough Are

Reflex cough The basic receptors of cough are in a nose, To nasopharynx, throats, the top part of a trachea and the main bronchial tubes (). Other sites of receptors of cough: an ear membrane, a diaphragm, Gullet, pericardium, etc. the Centripetal nerves participating in the certificate Cough: trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, top and vagus. Efferentnye nerves: returnable guttural, vagus, a path And peripheral nerves. The cough reflex begins with a deep breath, It is accompanied by closing of a vocal crack, a relaxation of muscles of a diaphragm and Reduction of the chest and belly muscles participating in an exhalation. Thus rises intrachest and Intrapleural pressure 100-300 mm Hg and the subsequent opening Vocal crack allows to exhale sharply a stream of air with a speed 12 L/s Productive cough - "normal" The quantity at cough is not known; usually cleared through a road clearance bronchial tubes, at the healthy allocate to 1,5 Litre a day. This is swallowed imperceptibly and spontaneously through Gullet in a gastroenteric path.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Long The Opinion That All Dominated The Slavic

Long the opinion that all dominated The slavic tribes occupying East European plain, occur From one centre on the average Pridneprove, in territory modern Ukraine. From this ancestral home so was considered, there was a settling of Russian Territories to Ryazan and Suzdal and further to Pskov and Great Novgorod. It was supposed that originally there was also a uniform language. Rich Data of excavation in Novgorod, studying of anthropological types, ceremonies, Ceramics, even constructions confirm that Slavs have got on northwest territories of modern Russia from southern coast of Baltic. And Suzdal was occupied all the same from the south Russia. In XIII-IV centuries distinction of dialects on Russian earths gradually It is erased. But whence there was a name "Russian"? In these territories In the peace neighbourhood there lived Finno-Ugrian tribes , , Slavs. Still in ancient times them the Varangians who have imposed a severe tribute - have seized with Each man on the squirrel skin. Without having sustained violence, tribes Have banished Varangians, but a palm among themselves have not divided and again Have decided to call on reigning of foreigners.

At Auscultation The New Can Be Found Out

At auscultation the new can be found out Warm noise or noise on a course of a large vascular trunk. The diagnosis Aorta aneurysms should be confirmed by an objective method, for example CT a tomography or aortas. If stratifying an aorta aneurysm passes Completely through all three layers walls, it leads to rupture Aortas. It is accident almost always leads to death of patients, Die before hospitalisation. Full death rate from aorta ruptures in the USA More than 80 %. and a reflux The gullet is a muscular tube which spends Food portions from a mouth in a stomach. Bottom from three a gullet Is a specialised part of muscular system, which Functions as similarity of the valve for deduction of a contained stomach from Return to a gullet cavity. If work of this valve is broken (), stomach contents, including sour digestive juice, Can come back, support and irritate mucous a gullet. A gastroezofagalnyj reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease) It can be shown by sensations of burning in a breast and a pain in the top part Stomach () which rises to a throat and can cause Sensations of sour taste in a drink and in a mouth.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Virus, Bacterial Both Others Infectious And Toxic (asbestos)

Virus, Bacterial both others infectious and toxic (asbestos) agents can To lead to an inflammation of leaves of a pleura and occurrence of the centre of a pain in the chest To cage. This pain arises at a deep breath is more often and is described as The pleural. Virus illnesses - the most frequent modern reason Pleurisy though there are many other infectious reasons, including Tuberculosis tuberculosis. Other illnesses which lead to occurrence of pleural pains include: The collagenic illnesses similar system red (systc lup eryth) and ; a cancer cancer; nephritic insufficiency kidney failure; an arthritis rheumatoid arthritis; complications beam and chemotherapy radiation therapy; chemotherapy; complications at and after operational treatment. Fizikalnoe research of the patient can be A little informatively, showing only a site of a friction of a pleura. If thus there is an essential quantity pleural , The space between a lung and a chest wall can be filled with a liquid And intensity of a pain will decrease.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Then Ask The Patient To Inhale Deeply And

Then ask the patient to inhale deeply and To detain an exhalation for some seconds. define size Displacement of the dulled sound downwards also put the second mark. Further Ask the patient to exhale and hold the breath as much as possible on an exhalation. Thus define displacement of border of the dulled sound Upwards in the area of measurement also give the third mark. (06 ++) Range of changes a sound (= mobility, excursion Diaphragms) on the right and at the left at healthy faces it should be identical and, Usually, 3-5 sm (sportsmen have more). Measurements Repeat some times on the right and at the left and write down average sizes Mobility of a diaphragm from both parties. Besides there is a set of radiological techniques of measurement of functions of a diaphragm of the person. For example, (J.G.Dillon's) Dillon's phenomenon, - definition displacement accelerations diaphragm domes Up in a phase of the maximum exhalation, testifying to the partial Preservation by it abilities. Thorax walls ( and ).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Are Available Messages That Churg-Strauss The Syndrome Is

Are available Messages that Churg-Strauss the syndrome is connected with some kinds of treatment Asthmas, so-called modifiers. Signs Churg-Strauss of a syndrome - Fever, loss of weight of a body and frequent inflammations of bosoms and mucous a nose At patients with a bronchial asthma. Cough, a short wind and a chest pain Amplify, as in lungs develops . On finitenesses Can appear hypodermic . A diarrhoeia (Da) And belly-aches arise, when with the inflammation of the blood develops Vessels in a stomach cavity. The inflammation of small vessels can be shown in Bladder and . Weakness and sensitivity loss Finitenesses are connected with nervous trunks. Definitive The diagnosis comes to light usually after the involved fabrics. In 1998 WHO (Evian) the classification system (illustration sm), which has been offered Aspired to designate various forms of a pulmonary hypertension (LOG) According to various to mechanisms, clinical To representations and therapeutic approaches. In 2003 in Venice were Updatings to this system for the purpose of creation of more all-round are made And easier for clinical physicians of descriptions. There Can Be To Whom That And Will There can be to whom that and will help, though "knowledge multiplies grief". Other reasons and impressions of the author can be looked on a site. In July, 2009 a planet population The person will reach 6,8 . And by 2050th year, under forecasts the CART, The population of Russia will decrease for 33 million persons, Japan - on 25 million, Ukraine - on 15 million and Germany on 8,4 million Thus reduction of the size Families and life expectancy increase will lead to acceleration Processes of ageing of the population all over the world. So for example in 1950 year quantity of people in Age of 60 years also is more senior made on the Earth of 8 %, and by 2009th year this The share has increased to 11 %. In 2050 year percent of older persons on the Earth, Especially in the developed countries, will make already 22 % and will exceed number of children in Age of 15 years! Population ageing generates the numerous Mediko-social and economic problems and as demands working out And realisations of new approaches to diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation Elderly patients.