Thursday, March 27, 2008

Well-known That There Is A Set Of Schemes

Well-known that there is a set of schemes Studying of features of character of the person, including on photos, To features of a structure of a skull, navel, lines on palms, on handwriting and Other For example schemes of the description of an identikit assume, when with the help The expert of police by a special technique features are analyzed Structures of the person and body Other schemes of an estimation are based on numerous anthropological, racial, psychological standards of the person The electronic version (PDF) the present book (on CD) Includes bright colour illustrations and the examples showing the cores Signs for definition of features of appearance, character and others Properties and conditions of the person. 1. The historical inquiry on an origin of the person and formation of types of a constitution. The mankind history has begun about 300 thousand years Back and, probably, in Africa. There lived there 1-2 groups of hunters-collectors, From which within millenia there were all present 6,5 billion The person, occupying the Earth.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I Result One Of The Elementary Algorithms Of

I result one of the elementary algorithms of diagnostics of the nature of cough SYMPTOMS DIAGNOSES The help and consultations 1. How cough for a long time has begun? More 3 weeks ago? YES Pass to Go to 12. ** NO 2. How looks at cough - pink, foamy? YES Plentiful foamy pink colour m. At a sharp hypostasis of lungs. YES Immediate hospitalisation on . NO 3. Cough is accompanied transparent or faintly yellow, ? YES To thicket meets at virus infections COLD or FLU. YES Hospitalisation in infectious branch NO 4. has brown, green or other colour? YES Infection of type CHRONIC BRONCHITIS or, at a fever - a pneumonia. YES Additional inspection (, auscultation, ) NO 5. Cough strengthens a short wind and rattles on an exhalation? YES Often at ASTHMA or obstructions of respiratory ways. YES Specification of presence and the bronchospasm nature NO 6. Whether you marked hypostases standing i-or a short wind at physical activity? NO Pass to Go to 10.* YES 7. Whether you had heart troubles? YES Pass to CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE YES inspection - , auscultation, an electrocardiogram, ultrasonic, etc.