Saturday, January 17, 2009

) * Recommendations According To Legochno-warm Insufficiency * Research

) * Recommendations according to legochno-warm insufficiency * Research of other functions of bronho-pulmonary system. Terms, reductions, specifications and formulas of settlement sizes for an estimation of functions of breath More in detail sm / an index (Ap/gip .) - average quantity of episodes and for one hour of a dream. (. , , apnea)-10 and more second respiratory standstill. blood oxygen - normal The oxygen maintenance in blood from 90 to 97 %; at the maintenance 89 - 85 % - Moderate decrease; 84 - 80 % - serious decrease; less than 80 % - very much Serious decrease. - 50 % and more decrease in a stream of air in respiratory ways for 10 and more seconds. Or - 3 % and more decrease (saturation) of blood by oxygen. - subjective feeling of shortage Air, difficulty or difficult breath. Patients often speak - "not I can receive satisfactions from breath ". Due vital capacity of lungs (sin. - ; cVC) = 0,1626 growth (inches) - 0,031 x age (years) - 5,335 For men.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thus, Electronic The Subscription Occupies The Increasing Niche

Thus, electronic The subscription occupies the increasing niche in a society life. It, for example, It is perfectly visible and on translation magazines "Sciences", which Extends publishing house "". According to it Publishing houses (and they sell both printing, and electronic versions Magazines), demand for electronic magazines already 10 times more Inquiries, than about printing editions. All world publishing houses for a long time Have passed to an electronic format. And not only on magazines, but also on the scientific To monographies, books and other forms of editions. In the modern world there is a weight of the electronic Systems and formats for the edition of magazines, books and newspapers with which help Authors through the Internet send articles in magazine, and editions in online Mode spend reviewing, a translation of articles, forms releases and Extend magazines in electronic form. Except wider The audiences, extending with increase in number in Internet users, The increasing number of libraries is translated by the catalogues and editions in Electronic format.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

These Changes, I Hope, Can Result To Improvements

These changes, I hope, can result To improvements of a survival of patients and improvement of quality of their life. The basic conclusions from the project of a consensus concerning the Pulmonary Hypertension in 2009 year include: 1. A pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) - The syndrome arising because of the limited stream of arterial blood Through pulmonary , coming to an end with the increased pulmonary Vascular resistance (PVR) and, finally, leading To cardiac arrest. Plural diverse Mechanisms result and are responsible for pathological changes structures, cages and that Creates instability of a stream of blood, and channels of a small circle of blood circulation. 2. Prevalence PAH in the different countries Various and according to the French register makes 15 on one million Inhabitants. Idiopatichesky form PAH (IPAH) is considered more the general and more often Meets at women. Family forms PAH arise in connection with is more often Mutations in a bone, where a fiber receptor-2, as Dominating sign of illness with incomplete and others Genetic defects.

Communication PAH With Congenital Warm Is Shown Insufficiency

Communication PAH with congenital warm is shown Insufficiency (CHD), illnesses, drugs, Toxins, virus of immune insufficiency, portal hypertension, and infringements. CHD meets In 8 on 1,000 and PAH will develop only at 30 % from them. 3. Annual death rate at PAH makes Approximately 15 % of patients from all passed modern therapy. Foretellers (= ) the forecast are: the functional Class of the patient, low tolerance (ability) to the physical To loading, a blood high pressure in the right auricle, essential Dysfunction right hearts (RV), insufficiency RV, low Warm index, high concentration a hormone (p-BNT) and collagenic diseases (scleroderma and a spectrum of the similar Illnesses). 4. At sufficient risk of development PAH, in Planned inspection is necessary to include patients with instructions on Family history of presence IPAH, collagenic illnesses and portal Hypertension. Such patients necessarily should pass the ultrasonic Heart and liver research. 5. Each diagnosis PAH demands acknowledgement Through the full report the right departments of heart.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

70 It Is Constant In A Stage I: FEV1

70 it is constant in a stage I: FEV1 ™ 80 % from settlement, after application . In a stage II: 50 % © FEV1 <80 % Estimation of the respiratory Functions of the bronho-pulmonary device (PFT, =Spirometry) now The tool of an estimation and diagnosing of many is standard Diseases of lungs. Under recommendations of experts on COPD consider that PFT Should be has been executed at any patient who has history Risk factors on COPD (for example a tobacco smoke, a professional dust / , etc.), history of chronic illness of respiratory organs, signs Chronic cough, or . PFT research of functions bronho-pulmonary Systems are included by set of tests and their updatings. I will notice that only Variants of reports of researches is more than 10. Basic Tests on revealing and an estimation of weight COPD consider FEV1 (volume Air exhaled by the patient within the first second after The maximum breath) and the forced (maximum) vital capacity Lungs (FVC). PFT it is spent to two stages - before and after a summer residence adequate To weight of a body of doses shortly operating inhalation .