Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some Mental Features Of Elderly Persons (Dizzinesses, Balance

Some mental features of elderly persons (Dizzinesses, balance problems, conditions, Sleeplessness, etc.) Usual complaints and algorithm of allocation of the basic syndrome and the questionnaire according to quality of a life. 2. The ANAMNESIS and basic syndromes in an estimation of a condition of the patient 3. The short scheme survey with features for elderly patients (Appearance, gait and poses of patients other) Hair, eyebrows, type , a grey hair, a hair fall etc. Skin - nails (colour, tourist's mountains, additional Formations, stains. , a syndrome of Degosa, . and Other) Joints and short estimation of their function at elderly PATIENTS Separate syndromes at an estimation of functions of the bottom finitenesses Head - a condition of temporal arteries, senile Arch, , , signs of a glaucoma, etc. Vessels of a head and a syndrome at the elderly NOSE and nose bosoms - , venous drawing and a red nose Lips and folds Mouth, , language, a uvula, etc. Dental health and gums Temporomandibuljarnye joints and ears NECK - neck Vessels, the scheme of diagnostics and measurements of carotids, , hypofunction of a thyroid gland, etc.

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