Sunday, May 24, 2009

Barking Cough Or A Croup With Illnesses Of

Barking cough or a croup with Illnesses of a throat. Sudden, type of exclamations paroxysms of cough with Whooping cough. Night cough - with warm insufficiency, bronchial Asthma and a reflux. If food intake often causes Fits of coughing, - search for a diaphragm hernia, or a reflux. Recommended radiological researches The direct And lateral roentgenogram of a thorax The roentgenogram (or ) bosoms CT a thorax Laboratory tests (, IgE, , tests for definition of collagenic vascular illnesses, , infections, etc.) Tests according to pulmonary functions (, provocative tests with , etc.) At research of streams of air as one of the major functions of lungs should consider 1. The maximum forced volume of an exhalation for 1 second (FEV1) which should be repeated three times in 2-3 minutes. 2. To estimate lung volumes, the core from Which is (= TLC), thus if TLC <80 % follows To consider the reasons diseases of lungs. And at TLC> 120 % - presence of the diseases leading to an emphysema. Increase RV (Residual volume) and increase in parity RV/TLC mean Obstructive conditions.

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