Sunday, December 28, 2008

The REASONS : An Inflammation - Sharp Pneumonia

The REASONS : an inflammation - sharp Pneumonia (crepitatio indux, crepitatio redux). ; plasmas in alveoluses (a lung heart attack, a hypostasis of lungs) Hypoventilation of lungs (, ). Noise of a friction of a pleura: ALWAYS the PATHOLOGY. It is connected with Fibrin adjournment on and pleura leaves. It is listened in both phases of breath, reminds a sound of a leather belt Folded double at bending and . The sound disappears at a delay Breath also amplifies at pressing . Sounds of a friction of a pleura-normal leaves and pleurae slide smoothly and without is noisy the friend about The friend during the breath certificate. If the pleura loses smoothness of a surface Also grows coarse for any reason, the scratching, rubbing sounds connected with By breath are heard from the earliest stages of pathological process. You Can hear even the easiest sound, pressing a stethoscope to the chest To cage and having asked the patient to breathe deeply. Such sounds often Have limited on a zone of auscultation character, but repeatability Sounds steady enough.

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