Monday, December 29, 2008

Resolve Members Of A Family And Friends To

Resolve members of a family and friends to participate in discussion of questions. Describe the scheme of diagnostic and medical problems of the patient. Offer the patient some variants of inspection and treatment. Induce the patient to the self-help, including kinds of the therapy, supplementing traditional. Complicate dialogue: 1. A language barrier and speech infringements. 2. Questions on a sexual life of the patient. 3. Malignant diseases. 4. Mental restrictions of dialogue and mental diseases. 5. Barreness. 6. Undesirable pregnancy. 7. Difficult medical questions and . I consider that it is necessary - to Avoid complicated questions - Not to include in questions of concept "norm" and medical and-or special Terms, words as the patient they are often not clear. Detection (=) a symptom, a syndrome Demands its greatest possible qualitative and quantitative Descriptions at the moment of survey, interrogation. The medical terms stated The patient, its knowledge of syndromes and the diagnosis should be specified questions And-or medical documents (it is better primary - an electrocardiogram, ultrasonic, The roentgenograms, given laboratory researches, Inquiries, etc.

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