Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Substances Raises. A Lack Food Conducts To Decrease

substances raises. A lack Food conducts to decrease in their concentration in blood and, these changes, in Dependences on the maintenance of other biologically active substance, Named , leads to occurrence of feeling of hunger. It is known that can estimate requirement of an organism for food Not only on level of hormones-intermediaries, but also directly - on Concentration in blood of those or others nutritious and biologically active Substances. To one of such alarm substances can serve malonil-koferment A.Eto connection is a metabolism product Fats, and its concentration in blood well correlates with senses of fulness and hunger. It was possible also To show that really regulates appetite in Dependences on concentration fluctuations malonil-kofermenta And, and this The alarm system has appeared more strongly, than known hormonal. Diarrhoeia syndrome (= , ). Diagnostic criteria of functional illnesses (the Roman criteria, 1999) diarrhoeia syndromes are defined as sensitive pains or the discomfort, limited area are closer to an average line of a body.

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