Monday, August 11, 2008

The Throat, - Neck Body, Has Critical Value

The throat, - neck body, has critical value for formation of a voice, speech and breath structure (breathing). In a throat (pharynx) channels for air and food passage are divided, conducting accordingly to a trachea and a gullet (oesophagus). The approximate scheme of an estimation of various groups : As a rule allocate some groups -Periaurikuljarnye (/); -Postaurikuljarnye /; - Occipital and in the basis of skull /; -Tonzilljarnye - under corners of bottom jaw /; -Submandibuljarnye / - under both parties of a jaw; -Podborodochnye - on the middle of bottom jaw /; - Superficial on neck parts before a muscle sternomastoid and -Nadkljuchichnye in an attachment place sternomastoid and clavicles. Chain deep cervical behind - muscles behind sternomastoid cannot be Distinctly and sometimes in other ways ( Ultrasound). The truth sometimes helps the following reception - Ask The patient to suffer discomfort and press through your fingers Area of an internal corner of connection of a clavicle and - Muscles.

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