Saturday, August 16, 2008

Therapy By Oxygen Now, Therapy By Oxygen It

Therapy by oxygen Now, therapy by oxygen It is preferred in the USA on special modes for patients with IV stage COPD also can be named as long-term continuous in a current 36 Months therapy. Therapy by oxygen considerably reduces the pulmonary Hypertension, increases physical abilities of patients and function Lungs, distinctly improves the intellectual and emotional status of patients, Also increases chances for a survival at patients from the chronic respiratory Insufficiency. Use 2 at patients with COPD should be It is based on an estimation of a condition of the patient, the doctor should define Corresponding regular sources 2 (for example gas or a liquid), Delivery methods (for example oxygen in cylinders or special Concentrator O2), duration of use of oxygen a day and Volume speed of stream 2 at breath. Important thus To instruct the patient about oxygen and on other safety rules of operation. So-called not Aggressive support of ventilation thus first of all is used Serious stages of diseases also can lead to the sharp respiratory Insufficiency or .

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