Friday, June 1, 2007

Approximate Structure At The Healthy: Alveolar - 80

Approximate Structure at the healthy: Alveolar - 80 %; - 10 %; - 10 % Character and its possible the reason Mucous, transparent, - a virus infection. Flavovirent, Viscous, purulent - a bacterial infection. Rusty - warm Insufficiency. With blood proveins - a share pneumonia (); , viscous - a bronchial asthma; Watery, plentiful - an alveolar cancer of lungs; Plentiful, Fetid - a lung abscess, ; Foamy, pink - a hypostasis Lungs, etc. Schematic anatomy of bronho-pulmonary system The right lung - 3 shares, the left lung - 2 shares, but Both on the right, and at the left on 4 bronchial tubes of II order (zone bronchial tubes). The basic Structure functional unit systems - a segment with Segmentary bronchial tube. In each share allocate: a trunk (a vascular bronchial texture), a kernel - bronho-limfo-vascular formation) and "raincoat". The alveolar fabric, is located in two circles in the thickness about 2 see And though Bronchial tubes are strictly isolated, air can pass from one segment in Another through a time the Crone.

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