Wednesday, May 30, 2007

An Inflammation Mucous A Stomach, A Spleen, A

An inflammation mucous a stomach, a spleen, a liver or a bilious bubble (gallbladder) Can originally give uncertain complaints to pains which can To be connected and with uncertain discomfort in a breast. Attentive research and time often allow to consider the correct The diagnosis. For example, the pain in top a stomach can originally To be shown as: - a myocardium Heart attack - a back wall left hearts. - A pneumonia, especially at an inflammation of a fabric of a lung near to a diaphragm. - Stratifying an aorta aneurysm can To be presented a chest pain in a combination to a belly pain in Dependences on where there is a stratifying of a wall of an aorta. Some remarks on a problem of a syndrome of a short wind SHORT WIND and its kinds---- So As the short wind is heavy enough suffering for the patients, new Recommendations about diagnostics and treatment of a bronho-pulmonary pathology, Included since 2007 in the official publication of the American Chest Society (ATS) it is confirmed ATS by board of Directors in March, 2007 and it is published on April, 15th, 2007 in the American Magazine of Respiratory and Urgent Medical aid (A.

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