Monday, March 23, 2009

Diseases. Inflammatory Diseases Of Bosoms Of A Nose:

Diseases. Inflammatory diseases of bosoms of a nose: - Sinusitis (sinusitis) can be sharp and chronic. (The Antritis, Sfenoidit, Frontit, Etmoidit) see. Allergic Diseases of bosoms arise, as a rule, against an allergic rhinitis (Allergic , ). In a clinical picture Rhinitis symptoms prevail. (The Rhinitis, allergic) see. Pneumosine - a bosom stretching (more often Frontal) air, arising when any Formation (for example a polyp or a mucous membrane) In a mouth plays a role of the valve passing air only in Bosom. In some cases the pneumosine can be caused atypically Proceeding at children's age a frontal bosom. Clinically The pneumosine can be shown by local morbidity in area Defeats, - bosom increase. Ways of revealing of syndromes of diseases of bronho-pulmonary system Complaints and questionnaires of an estimation of quality of a life At revealing of any syndromes of diseases of bronho-pulmonary system To become an important point of an estimation of a condition of the patient research Qualities of his life.

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