Monday, February 23, 2009

Rattles (Rhonchi = Sounds Which Resemble On A

Rattles (Rhonchi = sounds which resemble On a snore). They arise, when movement of air streams through the big Air lines (a drink, a trachea, large bronchial tubes) it is complicated or Has a barrier. Rattles - high, the sounds made narrowed By air lines also are more often listened in the end of a breath or in the end Exhalation. The general reasons of occurrence of rattles: the Barrier to an air stream; the Emphysema emphysema; the Asthma; a hypostasis of lungs; Bronchiectasis; Chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis; Acute bronchitis Acute bronchitis; interstitsialnye illnesses of a lung; a pneumonia; etc.; The term "Vezikuljarnoe breath" - Designating the usual normal breath listened in the defined Zones over a thorax. It can be: weakened at: - a spasm Throats; - a congestion of a liquid (air) in a pleural cavity; - Crisis (bruise) of edges; - high standing of a diaphragm (a diaphragm hernia); - To emphysema of lungs; - a syndrome of Pikvika; - the other reasons; the strengthened At: - psychoemotional excitation; - physical activity; - To the raised body temperature; etc.

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