Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Considering Prospect And An Audience Of Readers, I

Considering prospect and an audience of readers, I I prefer to make out the books on the basis of popular and accessible Electronic formats not for ` the mass reader ", and in the help To exclusively doctors and students of medical institutions. Any The user, if necessary, can copy free of charge any section of the book and unpack it in a paper variant. All my books are free, but the postage (an envelope-1,5 of dollar, Mark - 2,5 dollars) and magnetic data carriers ( a card and Other) there is what that money. Order or download parts from mine Site-http://www.lighted.lib.ru/h/hramow_j_a Introduction Increase in disease, morbidity and Death rates from a bronho-pulmonary pathology in the World it is connected with the big As quantity of factors, the main things from which are considered pollution Environment, atmospheres, ageing of the population and a tobacco smoking. Practical doctors yet have not realised to the full craftiness of the chronic Bronho-pulmonary diseases, and patients underestimate threat of the harmful Habits and a short wind accruing with the years.

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