Monday, December 22, 2008

- The Yellowish Shade Of A Skin And

- The yellowish shade of a skin and assumes Diseases of a liver and ways (yellowness arises At concentration of bilirubin in whey of blood about 40-50 microns/l that It is twice more than norm); - Vascular asterisks - indirect signs Liver diseases. Vascular asterisks can sometimes appear on To skin of the top part of a thorax in second half Pregnancy (usually disappear further in some hours after Sorts). Vascular asterisks appear also at women in The climacteric period of a life. Occurrence of vascular asterisks is possible At it is long the remaining raised warm emission of blood from Left hearts at an arterial hypertensia. Zhilbera-Ano a symptom (N.A.Gilbert, 1858-1927; V.Ch. Hanot 1844-1896), - presence small forms on a face skin and trunks at Chronic illnesses of a liver. - Vascular small hypodermic vessels on the person is called . - K, the sanguineous, bloated person often testifies to an alcoholism, , a syndrome of Kushinga. - Illness of Parkinsona - . The inactive person, a rare blinking; -- Turner's syndrome - a century, the small bottom jaw, low located ears, folds on a neck, deafness.

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