Sunday, September 28, 2008

Restriktivnyj Syndrome Reduction Of Volumes FVC Against Normal

Restriktivnyj syndrome Reduction of volumes FVC against normal or The increased volumes of parity FEV1 to FVC it should be considered as Diagnostic signal for an exception (restrictive) Illnesses of lungs. As FEV1 is fraction (share) FVC, Parity FEV1 to FVC can be kept on normal or slightly The raised level. Total amount measurement helps with such cases Lungs (TLC) and residual volume of lungs (RV) which can To confirm a syndrome lungs. (Sm of illustration Media File). Quantitative definition of changes of spirometric indicators At normal values of indicators (FVC, FEV1 and relation FEV1 to FVC) they, usually, above the bottom Settlement level according to the formula and a due limit. Most The low limit of such normal values is certain by expert group GOLD on the basis of results of the average predicted value , the floor of patients based on factors, age and Growth a minus 1.64 (a standard error of tests at studying of specifications For population). If value of the bottom limit of norm is not known or It is inaccessible, FVC and FEV1 for comparison should be big or To equal 80 % to volumes from due (= or predicted), and Relation FEV1 to FVC should be no more, than on 8-9 absolute Points of percent below the predicted parity.

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