Saturday, September 27, 2008

- Vials Round A Lip Assume A Herpes.

- Vials round a lip assume a herpes. - Petehii on lips help to notice infringements of system of curling sometimes. - The painless long ulcer on a lower lip assumes a lip cancer. - Firm formation on a lower lip assumes . - Otechnaja with the changed colour an upper lip often Testifies about a hypostasis. top and bottom Lips with a hemorrhage sometimes assume Stephen's syndrome - Johnson. -- The pale skin round a mouth and a fever demands a scarlet fever exception (a sign of Filatova) from the patient. Estimation of a mucous mouth Lips, gums, a teeth, the mouth sky, language and a drink usually looks round with the lighter. (pharynx). For this research are necessary bright light and . In the beginning Attentively examine colour mucous a mouth which is one of The most sensitive places for hyperpigmentation occurrence. For example, Brown stains on mucous a mouth assume illness of Addisona. Pay attention to that the Afro-Americans sometimes have the brown Stains on a cheek against molars.

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