Saturday, August 30, 2008

Diastolichesky Noise Are Indicative For Insufficiency Valves Of

Diastolichesky noise are indicative for insufficiency Valves of a pulmonary artery also testify to a phenomenon . At patients with late stages of disease Obvious signs of insufficiency of the right departments of heart (cor develop pulmonale) and it often lifts venous pressure with visible V wave At . Practically always at patients hypostases of the bottom are expressed Finitenesses and proof . Thus long, proof The pulsation and always testifies to the expressed blood in right hearts. Sometimes ( But not always) signs come to light. The reasons The hypoventilation syndrome can be secondary on To basis of several mechanisms , including depression of the respiratory The centre, infringements, defects of a wall of a thorax, Fatness, and COPD. * Chronic obstructive illness of lungs; an emphysema; a chronic bronchitis. * infringements ( Lateral sclerosis; muscular dystrophies; a diaphragm paralysis; a syndrome Guillain-Barr; pregnant women); * Defects of a chest wall - ; ; ; * Neurologic frustration - , traumas.

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