Monday, July 7, 2008

Adiposity (a. Constitutionalis), Caused By The Infringement Of

Adiposity (a. constitutionalis), caused by the infringement of a metabolism inherited On prepotent type; it is characterised by uniform adjournment of fat on To all body. Adiposity cerebral (a.cerebralis), sin. - adiposity . Adiposity painful (adipositas dolorosa),-sin.-Derkuma illness. Adiposity (adipositas hypophysialis), sin. - a dystrophy . Adiposity degenerate-sin. - a dystrophy fatty. Adiposity dekompozitsionnoe-sin. A dystrophy fatty. Adiposity infiltrativnoe - (sin.-adiposity idle time) - accumulation in cages of mainly neutral fats. Adiposity of a liver-sin. - the fatty. Adiposity simple-sin. - adiposity . Adiposity (adipositas pubertalis) sin. - youthful. 2.9.4 to Estimate a condition and degree of development of kostno-muscular system, including joints. 2.9.5 Survey and the top finitenesses. Survey Hands, usually, begin with an estimation of a condition of nails. Already, how the patient Looks after the nails can specify in habits and character The person. At healthy, tidy patients nails shining, pleasant Shade, correspond to the general tone of a skin of hands.

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