Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Reasons And Diseases Of The Strengthened Growth,

The reasons and diseases of the strengthened growth, loss and change It is a lot of hair colour. For example, rare hair on top and high temples On a forehead man's hormones can be connected many, and not only At men, but also at women. However for the last more frequent reason - Chronic lack of iron which appears in critical days. If hair drop out on all head, it is necessary to pay special attention on Character of a food. Hair for 90 percent consist of fiber and eat They fiber. Therefore except meat and cottage cheese for a food of hair are necessary Vitamins A, , , group In and microcells, including zinc, iron, Copper, selenium, phosphorus, , calcium, etc. Sometimes the strengthened loss Hair it is connected with diseases thyroid, glands, Illnesses of blood, gynecologic, infectious or venereal Diseases. How to define intensity of a hair fall? On the average on a head grows nearby 80-120 Thousand hair. Term of a life of each of them - from 3 till 7 years. Absolutely Normal it is considered if in day drops out from 50 to 150 hairs.

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