Sunday, March 16, 2008

They Develop Within Several Days, More Often In

They develop within several days, more often in connection with illnesses The top respiratory ways. Usually there is a fever, high Blood with the left shift. Other signs or syndrome signs include Pain in joints, and, sometimes, . Skin damages Develop within hours or days and can be shown as bubbles. Stains, usually plural, also can settle down on a head skin, necks, Trunk and extremities. Usually it is required damages of a skin, To confirm diagnosis Sweet'a of a syndrome. Crops Besides, are required Dabs on microflora and special colourings for revealing Microorganisms to exclude the infectious reason of a syndrome. Though The syndrome can develop at patients with infectious diseases, Spotty damages of a skin, should be sterile. Principal cause Sweet of a syndrome - the malignant Diseases. Damages of a skin at such patients can sometimes be Similar on (gangrenosum). Communications with the malignant Processes include illnesses and firm tumours, More probable at men and women on the average and advanced age.

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