Sunday, November 16, 2008

Episodes Occurrence Of Barriers Lead To Occurrence To

Episodes Occurrence of barriers lead to occurrence to blood on To oxygen and awakenings of the patient from a dream. Syndrome OSAH is connected and with Excessive day drowsiness not at stages of the primary Survey approximately at 80 % of patients. The Patofiziologichesky scheme of infringements at Syndrome OSAH - the top part of an air line of passage of air in The set of additional functions and a barrier to air stream has lungs In lungs can arise for a number of reasons. The majority of patients with OSAHS shows obstruction presence in the top part is more often Air line or at soft palate level (that is in areas) or at level of a root of language. Recent Research have shown that in syndrome development are important as anatomic And components, and factors. Anatomic factors of type increased (Sm classification in illustrations), or wrong Positions and an arrangement top, and the bottom jaw, reduce the entrance Aperture of an air line and-or increase aerodynamic pressure. Both these of the factor and defects of management roto-glotkoj in Time of a dream of patients increase probability of displays OSAHS.

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