Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Surplus Of Fluorine In To Potable Water In

Surplus of fluorine in To potable water in the childhood can cause occurrence dark brown Strips and poles on a teeth. Tobacco chewing paints a teeth in Tabachno-black-brown colour. Excessive sticking of lipstick to the tooth Surfaces it is often combined with . Cretaceous white formations On gum and tooth edge testify about superfluous on Teeth. A long teeth assumes presence of an obvious periodontitis and Reduction of the area of gums. Estimation of a condition of language For example, the form and the sizes of language can change at (). The big language (=macroglossia) a classical sign , , vulgar and . Except Increases in the sizes of language at often there is a reduction Mobility of a body of language. Inflammation signs () in an early stage Lead usually to increase language, sometimes with their hypertrophy. The long inflammation of language leads to an atrophy mucous and to occurrence The smooth, brilliant mucous. not seldom happen are caused Deficiencies of iron, group vitamins In, an alcoholism, , a syndrome and undereating.

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