Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Definition Should Include Antinuclear And Anti-DnA Components (system

Definition should include antinuclear and anti-DnA components (system lupus erythematosus), anti-Scl-70, (scleroderma), (CREST syndrome), the factor, anti-Ro and anti-La (syndrome Sjogren'a), anti-Jo-1 (dermatomiozit/polymyositis) and anti-U1 RNP (Not differentiated illness of a connecting fabric). Necessarily Testing at all patients, especially with the person is necessary for a HIV The case record or risk factors. The electrocardiogram (electrocardiogram) at such patients can show signs of a hypertrophy right Heart or the right auricle and pressure increase in a pulmonary artery. The electrocardiogram usually reveals a deviation of an electric axis of heart to the right, P-pulmonale, sometimes blockade of the right leg of a bunch of Gisa and R/S a parity> 1 in V1. Than above pressure in a pulmonary artery, signs ECG are especially sensitive. The thorax roentgenogram is less sensitive than an electrocardiogram at Detection of signs of a pulmonary hypertension. Though revealing of diameter > 16 mm in a standard x-ray picture (2nd arch at the left on a contour of a warm shade) definitely specifies to a pulmonary artery in a pulmonary hypertension.

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