Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Alveolar Hypoventilation Can Be Caused Set Of Factors,

Alveolar hypoventilation can be caused set of factors, Which can be designated and concern hypoventilation syndromes. Alveolar hypoventilation also is considered a principal cause . Presence along with worsens Clinical displays of almost all diseases and conditions. can be sharp or chronic always It is connected and caused by several mechanisms. Gipovetiljatsionnye syndromes Develop usually in connection with alveolar hypoventilation central The nature, fatness, anatomic infringements of walls of a thorax, muscular diseases and conditions, and chronic Obstructive diseases of lungs (COPD). Besides, it is necessary to remember that hypoventilation And oxygen often develop and worsen during a dream As, secondary components of ventilation the answer on and increased PaCO2. Thus reduced tone of muscles developing in a phase Fast dream (REM) strengthens hypoventilation again. Hypoventilation can be caused and depression The respiratory centre. At patients with the primary alveolar Hypoventilating syndrome (= a syndrome Undines), the reasons Hypoventilation and are not known yet.

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