Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Largest A Bosom (sinus Maxillaris) Settles Down

The largest a bosom (sinus maxillaris) settles down in a body of the top jaw and opens in Average nasal course. The steam room has the form truncated three- is more often or Tetrahedral pyramid; size left and right bosoms At one person can be various. In to a bosom Distinguish four additional deepenings, or bays (malar, Frontal, palatal and alveolar), which depending on degree bosoms can change its form and topographical Parity with surrounding fabrics. The frontal bosom (sinua frontalis) is in Frontal bone, has the form of a trihedral pyramid with the basis turned From top to bottom. It is divided by a partition not always occupying the median Position, on two parts; there are also additional partitions. Walls Frontal bosom sometimes have bone ledges and crossbeams, degree bosoms it is various. The bosom is informed with an average nasal Course. The frontal bosom can sometimes be absent. Klinovidnaja bosom (sinus sphenoidalis), located in a body bones, it is divided Partition on right and left (more often not identical) parts (in the separate Cases there are some partitions).

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