Saturday, December 15, 2007

In The Presence Of Bone Defect In Area

In the presence of bone defect in area Lateral walls bosoms its mucous membrane can To adjoin to a firm cover of a brain with area a sine, an optic nerve, an internal carotid. Clinically developmental anomalies are not shown, however at an inflammation of bosoms Nose they not seldom can promote development in orbital and Intracranial complications. Diseases. Inflammatory diseases of bosoms of a nose: - Sinusitis (sinusitis) can be sharp and chronic. (The Antritis, Sfenoidit, Frontit, Etmoidit) see. Allergic diseases of bosoms Arise, as a rule, against an allergic rhinitis (the allergic , ). In a clinical picture prevail Rhinitis symptoms. (The Rhinitis, allergic) see. Pneumosine - a bosom stretching (more often Frontal) air, arising when any Formation (for example a polyp or a mucous membrane) In a mouth plays a role of the valve passing air only in Bosom. In some cases the pneumosine can be caused atypically Proceeding at children's age a frontal bosom. Clinically The pneumosine can be shown by local morbidity in area Defeats, - bosom increase.

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