Monday, November 12, 2007

- The Tests Noted With (++) It Is

- the Tests noted with (++) it is possible to jump over additional Test, if abnormality is not suspected. Reduced or asymmetric diaphragmatic excursion can specify a paralysis or emphysema. Has affected that "peak metre of a stream to an asthma, As the thermometer to a fever. "The peak sizes (measurements) of a stream Are used to measure gravity of attacks of an asthma and a trace Illness through any time. Ideally new readings are compared to a stream The patient "personal is better." It is less than reading than 80 % of "best" Can specify requirement for additional therapy. It is less than reading than 50 % can specify an emergency situation. Increased fremitus specifies a liquid in Lung. Reduced fremitus specifies sound (normal) transfer, Complicated by chronic interfering pulmonary illness (COPD), Liquid out of a lung (pleural outpouring), air out of a lung (pneumothorax), etc. #Whispered Pectoriloquy the rights there with borborygmi in The list of doctor Rat of favourite medical terms (terms).

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