Monday, October 29, 2007

Gipomelanoz Ito (an Achromatic Incontience Pigment) - The

Gipomelanoz Ito (an achromatic incontience Pigment) - the congenital disease characterised The gipopigmentiro-bathrooms stains of the freakish form forming accurately The delimited drawings, strips and plaques on all surface of a body, Which remain during the childhood and disappear at mature age. To hypopigmentation do not precede an inflammation, Defeat, characteristic Bloha- Sultsbergera for a syndrome. (the got pigmentary defect) Arises at any age and it is characterised various under the form and To the size stains with a clear boundary, Localised on a face skin (round eyes and in the field of a mouth), in area Sexual , brushes and feet, elbow and knee joints, top Half of thorax. Skin elements can spontaneously disappear, There can be new stains, or is constant Progresses. 2.8.0 Palpatsija, , and other kinds of inspection of patients. There is a special system of the conditional Designations for a graphic representation of the data received at and easy (Ginara the scheme = (A.Guinard); sin.

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