Wednesday, August 8, 2007

It Is Solved Were To Call Those Varangians,

It is solved were to call those Varangians, That lived in territory of Northern Germany and Northern Poland and Named itself . Thus, first "Russian" Rjurik with a team Has appeared on our earths in 859-862 years, rules of 14-15 years and veins in The site of ancient settlement - Novgorod yet was not. bequeathed Board on these earths to the relative Oleg, having left it on Hands of son Igor. Oleg as a result of the conflict to radical tribes Has begun movement on the south and has won at first Smolensk, then Kiev. In Conditions of political vacuum tribes began to be pulled together to a place Crossings of trading ways where there was Novgorod. Thus, "Russian" are a self-name of one of tribes. Precisely As there was a word "people" - so named itself . By the way, on a native language means "the present people". Physical mixture () different groups of mankind (both racial, and ethnic) Has begun in an extreme antiquity, proceeds and today. Uncountable migrations and ethnoracial mixtures occurred during an epoch The first great division of labour (III-II thousand BC), when tribes separated from the agricultural.

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