Friday, March 30, 2007

) [3.4] (illustration Sm). COPD It Is Estimated As

) [3.4] (illustration sm). COPD It is estimated as progressing illness of bronho-pulmonary system, Characterised by gradual loss of a functioning field of the respiratory Surfaces and a barrier to air stream (= an obstructive syndrome). Now COPD it is described as process of a chronic inflammation which comes to an end narrowing and-or changes with non-uniform gleams of bronchial tubes. Inflammatory process results and in other infringements, which Mention pulmonary function, including a non-uniform hypertrophy of glands Mucous, cages cubic , inside and Bronchial with deformation and thickenings bronchial and Pulmonary vascular pool. Thus it is necessary to notice that Inflammatory changes at COPD Differ from changes in mucous and bronchial tubes at an asthma. At an asthma Inflammatory process first of all is connected in an onset of the illness with system CD4 + T-cellular in mucous bronchial tubes. And at COPD inflammatory process includes number and-or activity CD8 increase + T cages, macrophages and (sm fig.

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